Just Like That.....

(Soundtrack currently playing - Original cast recording Spring Awakening - Touch Me)
After a blow up at La Casa, I needed to get away and just vent off for a minute. I ended up going to work.

Yes, yes, I know, I know..... why on earth would I go to work to escape? I'm always blabbing about how work stresses me out and here I am running to it to get away from the stress. I guess in some weird masachistic manner I find some sort of escape in working. Not so much in the kick me in the Junk using your 5 inch stilettos type of way (still shocks and weirds me out when I hear crap like that - not judging if you like that sort of thing, just my pain and joy factors in the physical manner are definitely two polar opposites, but thank you HBO Bunny Ranch re-runs and specials for bringing this ball-crunching feeling to living rooms everywhere). More along the lines of let me a really good workout where pain is no longer pain but ultimate release.

Anyways, as I ended up coming to work and finishing a project that was well overdue, I thought I could take a break (which should be what normal people call the weekend) and check out some of my favorite blogs. Well, as I was catching up on one my favorite musical theatre actors, Clark Johnsen's Blog, I came across one of the funniest blog entries about this unbelievable contraption.

Recently I purchased an iPhone and by golly it does everything. I look at it and think, "The world is amazing and I can't wait to see what's in store."

Well, in conjunction with Valentine's Day happening tomorrow, how could I not put a short blog about something sexy.

Well here it is. Thanks to Clark, I came across something that I may have to buy as a funny stocking stuffer (no pun intended) for all my favorite ladies out there.

Yes, I'm not joking with you.

I almost flipped when I saw this. As if technology wasn't taking over our day to day lives, it is now entering our bedrooms.

(If you have the opportunity please check out Clark's blog post for the original story on this one)

All I'm sayin' is - Hazel, April and V, Happy Valentine's Day and Merry Christmas!


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