ok, where in Tokyo did I end up?
So I thought I'd visit Urban Outfitters just to catch up on what lazy kids dress like and what rich kids spend their money on to look lazy, and then came across these new accessories: ski masks.
First off, don't get me wrong I love Urban and pretty much am the generation that Urban started with. Seeing how the store has become a staple in my wardrobe, I always make sure I take one outrageous idea that the store presents and try to incorporate it into my own personal style.
Mind you, with this whole new re-birth and getting into the arts again, it's kinda fun learning more about my old self (outside of my corporate image at the moment) and figuring out my uber-casual style.
Well I came across these ski masks and no matter how hard I tried could not figure out how in the world I, not to mention anyone else could, incorporate a stylized item such as these and look normal.
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