In your Twenties and still a Tween - time to put down the Twilight Series? (originally posted January 8, 2009)

I'm sitting in the middle of a beige cube and thinking to myself, 'Wait I'm in my twenties..... what did I just put up in my cube?"

Right behind my monitor is a print out of the TWILIGHT cast.

On the right side of me, the one wall that separates me from the aisleway, is a college banner with the saying "SENIOR Wildcats," an HSM3 pin and matching bumper sticker, and a laminated picture of my birthday at Chuck E. Cheese's with my co-workers.

My name plate has the HSM cast jumping while a hula girl figurine, you know, the one that shakes on your dashboard, is sitting right above it.

On my desk is a stuffed animal - a giraffe names Harriet Hugsy. Beside her is her HSM Wildcat bullhorn.

On the corner of my desk is a tokidoki Mickey Mouse plush.

The rest of my desk is exploding with framed photos from Disneyland trips, Chuck E cheese birthdays, Disney Princess Cutouts, Wicked stage door pics, drunken moments with my college friends, and a pic with the Spring Awakening cast.

I wonder what my boss must think?


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