Departure..... Gate 105 (originally posted January 14, 2008)

Last night, I went with my family to LAX. We rushed as we tried making sure all the luggage was tagged, met the weight requirements and was tagged properly.
We hurried as we tried to get to Flyaway to get dropped off at LAX on time to check in and get situated for the flight.
Noel sat in front of me on the Flyaway bus ride to LAX. I slept, as I usually do, when I get nervous or feel a bit of anxiety. I think it's like my body shuts off when I know some sort of stressful moment is approaching. Almost like I can dream away the stress and put myself in a place of Zen.
Then we arrive at the International terminal and only have 2 hours before the international flight takes off.
My brother and I rushed to get the heavy luggage and our parents in line to check in. A lady saw my family and randomly walked up to the attendant taking care of the checking in and seating arrangements. She delivers some news that she would like to bump the tickets and seats up to Business Class. Not so bad for arriving in the short time frame they usually penalize travelers for checking in at.
My brother led the way to the final point in the checking in process which was dropping off our check-in luggage to screening.
Once all the luggage was checked in and on its way to being stowed on the plane, we walked to the get with the carry-on luggage and items to bring to Lola.
In a matter of hours the plan would land and my family would be seeing my grandma, my mom's mom, hugging her and kissing her while sharing the excitement and stories of the flight and everything that has happened here in Los Angeles while she lived there. Then, once all was unpacked and settled at Lola's, it would be time to sit around, laugh, tsismis (gossip), and just enjoy being there.
The thing is, I only got up to the Departure part. I didn't go to Gate 105.
I walked back to the Flyaway bus stop, waiting for my ride back to where I was a mere hour before. Back to where things were as they were, without my family, without my grandma, without the laughter and tsismis.
Just me.
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